2013 Tennis ATP World Tour Finals London Day 3 Nov 6th


  • Title:  2013 Tennis ATP World Tour Finals London Day 3 Nov 6th
  • Description:  06.11.2013 London, England. Roger Federer receives the ATPWorldTour.com Fanâ??s Favourite Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year and Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Awards 2013
  • Usage Restrictions:  Strictly Editiorial Use Only
  • Copyright:  © SMP Images - All Rights Reserved
  • ID:  115324
  • Added:  Nov 7, 2013
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  • Title: 2013 Tennis ATP World Tour Finals London Day 3 Nov 6th
  • Description: 06.11.2013 London, England. Roger Federer receives the ATPWorldTour.com Fanâ??s Favourite Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year and Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Awards 2013
  • Date Created: 2013-11-06 00:00:00
  • Author: Hongbo Chen
  • City: London
  • Country: England
  • Headline: 2013 Tennis ATP World Tour Finals London Day 3 Nov 6th
  • Creditline: Hongbo Chen/Actionplus
  • Source: www.smpimages.com
  • Description Writer: Actionplus Operations
  • Urgency: 5
  • Copyright Notice: SMP Images - All Rights Reserved


